Attica zhuge warframe
Attica zhuge warframe

It also comes with an underslung Grenade Launcher. A character in Afro Samurai has one of these.Not only do they add instant awesome, but they allow having More Dakka. So the obvious solution to this dilemma is to give crossbows the ability to shoot an entire magazine of ammunition without having to reload. Sometimes in a work, the urge to use some Guns and Gunplay Tropes is just too powerful. And to those who are used to modern sporting crossbows, which are much faster to reload but also much shorter-ranged and less powerful than the typical medieval version. However, crossbows take time to reload, which can be frustrating for people used to the rapid action of modern gunfights. This is especially true in the fantasy genre, where Fantasy Gun Control is the default. Many works of fiction are set in a time period when firearms are not available, and crossbows are the nearest equivalent. note Technically, most examples are semi-automatic crossbows (one bolt per pull of the trigger), while a fully-automatic one would fire several bolts per trigger-squeeze. Automatic Crossbows are crossbows that allow the user to shoot several times before having to reload, just like modern guns do.

Attica zhuge warframe